- Client: Siemens AG
- Partner: ICT AG, hm partner, Siemens AG
- Industries: Masterplanning
- Location: Berlin
- Service: Interactivity
- Team: Besjan Xhika, Gonzalo Portabella, Loran Asaad, Phillip Schmidt, Philipp Eckhoff, Nicolas Grandillo, Claudius Brodmann
- Date: September 2024

It begins with an empty space and a vision to create something new.
Something that captivates visitors, transports them to unique places, fosters connections, and imparts knowledge in an engaging, playful way—an experience that lingers.
From a blank sheet of paper, a few pens, and boundless creativity, an idea takes shape—one that is eventually transformed into a fully digital experience.
Welcome to the Siemensstadt Square Experience Center!

The Siemensstadt Square Experience Center is an audiovisual space that we designed and developed as an immersive experience. By using digital media, visitors can dive deep into a huge master plan of 1 million square meters to explore it in depth. It offers a trip into the future of this project and was unveiled during the ground-breaking ceremony in the presence of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Siemens CEO Roland Busch.
Using a combination of an interactive touch table and three large-scale projections (each 4×4 meters), the Experience Center is designed to convey the key features of the project in an emotional and interactive way. It is aimed at a wide audience, from local residents to international delegations and future tenants. Visitors can explore the construction phases, future uses and innovative sustainability concepts in a simple and vivid way.
The Experience Center makes complex project details accessible to everyone, regardless of technical knowledge. It offers:
1. A development film with clear visualizations of all construction phases.
2. Virtual tours of key areas such as the main boulevard, renewed Siemensbahn station, and the central square.
3. Insights into space allocation for housing, research, production, and social infrastructure.
4. A dynamic transformation view showing the “before” and “after” state.
5. Immersive depictions of sustainability and mobility solutions.
The center’s unique design encourages visitor engagement and understanding, strengthens decision-making and enables a shared vision for the future of Siemensstadt Square. As it progresses, it will be expanded with tools for sales, planning workshops and much more, so that its value grows with the project.

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